Tantra massage

- 40 € 30 min
Tantra massage is not about sexual practice or strictly erotic massage type. Tantra is about relaxation of body and soul, and about conscious usage of sexual energy. It shows You, that excitement is not a taboo. Most people recognize sex as a diner at fast food – everything must be quick and immediate, and the partners solve if they both look good, how long will they last and how many positions they will change in a short period of time.
But the sexuality is about living it in the way of pumping the energy from a sexual experience during a current piece of time, and the tantra massage is all about this. During it You have two or more hours for a complete relaxation and to regulate Your own excitement.
What is more important, that tantra massage is a great experience for women, because they yearn to be caressed, tended to someone to stroke their hair and massage their feet.
Beauties of tantric massage
During the tantra massage the client is in the position of the „acceptor“, and has an exclusive option to try, how will it look like, when he is being cuddled for hours. Everyone shall find something that attracts him or her in tantra massage. For someone tantra massage may have even the curing effect: it may help men to get rid of erection problems, and women to get rid of pains during the sexual intercourse due to lack of arousal.
For someone, who is more involved in spiritual theme, tantra massage may help to transfer the sexual energy into the upper chakras that are human energy centers.
Tantra massage strictly does not have any mutual contact, sex or other above-standard practices. It begins with the standing ritual, then continues with the oil-less massage and increasing the sensitivity by the use of feathers, towels and furs, slightly continuing with oil massage, during which the client may even reach an orgasm. Tantric massage is about accepting the sexuality as a human’s integral part and to realizing that sexuality is a great thing.
Tantra massage is traditionally done on a futon – a traditional mattress, under the candlelight in a quet room without any third person. The whole massage consists of different touch types, from soft and tender to fast and strong, massage with hot towels, tender caressing with feathers, with use of natural etheric oils, sometimes with the use of hot lava stones.
The acceptor’s body is massaged completely, nothing is missed – beginning from the head and finishing by the fingertips of hands and feet.
Unlike other types of massage tantra includes massage of intimate parts. But only by holding the ideal and secure borders of a contact the correct, deep and intensive experience of both parties, the giver and the acceptor, is possible.
Tantra massage helps You to understand the sexuality of Your body, and it is not possible without respect to personality of the giver. As we have mentioned above, we will say it clearly again – there is no sexual contact between the giver and the acceptor.
During the tantra massage practices we offer You the services only of professional masseuses with certification. Each of our masseuses had to complete difficult and strict selection procedure, during which we have tested not only her skills, but also her personality.
Therefore, You will not be disappointed by them, because the service offered by our massage parlor is at luxurious and highest possible level, aimed towards even the most demanding clients.
Book Your term now, using the booking form or by contacting us on a telephone number / email. Additional contact information is in the Contact section.